6-7-8 june 2025 | Pinzolo - Madonna di Campiglio (TN) | Italy

6-7-8 june 2025 | Pinzolo - Madonna di Campiglio (TN) | Italy




(Regulation approved by ACSI)

The TOP DOLOMITES Amateur Sports Association organizes the 6th edition of the road cycling race called “Granfondo Top Dolomites” which is divided into two routes, a Granfondo of 117 km and a Mediofondo of 75 km with differences in distances and in altitude, traveling along the roads from Pinzolo to Riva del Garda.


• Event name: Granfondo Top Dolomites

• Date: 8 June 2025

• Departure at 8.00 am Pinzolo

• Registrations: Registration closes when the maximum number of registrations is reached

• Refreshments: refreshment points are provided on both the medium and long routes

• Technical escort: provided by the organizer, including wheel assistance, technical escort not permitted by the company.

• Bibs number collection: Pinzolo – Paladolimiti

Saturday 7 June from 3 pm to 7 pm

Sunday 8 June from 6 am to 7 am

• Race pack: Technical shirt.


The “Granfondo Top Dolomites” is open to all FCI members and Sports Promotion Bodies and to members of the Bodies who will send the Bike Card together with the card of their own Bodies, in possession of sports medical suitability for the practice of competitive cycling and foreign cyclists in possession of a UCI license valid for the current year, issued by their National Cycling Federation.

For those who do not have a valid membership it is possible to sign up for the daily membership card at a cost of €10.00 which can only be issued by presenting a medical certificate certifying the state of good health for participation in a competitive cycling sporting event. This certificate must be valid.


The Organizing Committee may at any time and at its sole discretion decide whether or not to accept the registration or exclude a member of the event in the event that it could cause damage to the image of the event. Registrations will not be accepted from cyclists who have had doping-related sanctions and/or disqualifications for more than 6 months.


Granfondo and Mediofondo.


Junior (19-29 years) – Senior 1 (30-34 years) – Senior 2 (35-39 years) – Veterans 1 (40-44 years) – Veterans 2 (45-49 years) – Gentleman 1 (50-54 years) – Gentleman 2 (55-59 years) – Super Gentleman A (60-64 years) Super Gentleman B (65 years and over) – Junior / Women A (15-39 years) – Women B (40-49 years) – Women C (50 years and over)

Super Gentleman Bs can only participate in the long route up to the age of 70


It is specified that for all routes the departure is scheduled in Pinzolo.

guests – sponsor – Rarahil Memorial School charity bib – Gold quota

MERIT GRID: 151 – 500
– the top 50 classified long and medium edition 2024
– the first 50 registered zero wind shows
– The first 3 in the Zero Wind Show ranking for each long and medium route category in the previous year;

– Registered for the combined Granfondo Colnago + Granfondo Top Dolomites + Granfondo Dorelan;

1 GRID: 501 – 1000

– Registered in the Zerowindshow races

– Registered in the combined races
– by date of registration

2 GRID: 1001 – 1500
– by date of registration

Route Medio Fondo (75 km)

The 75 km Mediofondo with 1650 meters of altitude difference starts and finishes in Pinzolo. After just 7 km he tackles one of the climbs also covered during the 2015 Giro d’Italia, the Daone Pass. Having tackled the Daone Pass we head to Stenico, a historic town overlooking Ponte Arche and the beautiful Val Rendena which will allow you to catch your breath before tackling a slight climb up to the town of Fiavè. At this point there will be a crossroads of the 2 routes: the Mediofondo will immediately take the Durone Pass, the last effort of the day which will guide us to the arrival in Pinzolo.

Route Gran Fondo (117 km)

The 117 km Granfondo with 2600 meters of altitude difference starts and finishes in Pinzolo. After just 7 km he tackles one of the climbs also covered during the 2015 Giro d’Italia, the Daone Pass. Having tackled the Daone Pass we head to Stenico, a historic town overlooking Ponte Arche and the beautiful Val Rendena which will allow you to catch your breath before tackling a slight climb up to the town of Fiavè which will act as a springboard towards Lake Tenno and the descent that will take us to Riva del Garda and Arco, going up again to the Ballino pass and the Durone pass, the last effort of the day that will guide us to the arrival in Pinzolo.


Maximum time for routes is 3.30pm.
Beyond these deadlines, participation will not be considered valid; participants will be able to consult the timetables indicating the travel time for both routes on the website.


Closing gate in Fiavè at 10.00 am, participants who arrive at the Fiavè crossroads (granfondo and medium-distance route) after 10.00 will have to take the medium-distance route.


The awards will take place in Piazza San Giacomo in Pinzolo, a ceremonial area.
The prizes will not be sent home but delivered locally to the recipient. Proxies to other people to collect the prize will not be accepted.

The first 3 classified in each ACSI category in the Granfondo and Mediofondo routes will be rewarded

The sports club with the most members will be rewarded.


First free men and first 3 woman which are registered to the “TopMan Challenge” and that will complete it (Trail Ultra 49 km + Granfondo Top Dolomites 117 km) 


A general order of arrival and a category ranking, as well as a company ranking will be drawn up with the criteria already described. The rankings and order of arrival of the “Granfondo Top Dolomites Montura” will be published on the website www.sdam.it.




In 2025 it is possible to use the same chip, called OneChip, on events timed by MySDAM, Krono Service, WinningTime and TDS timers.

In the same events, all the personal yellow WinningTime chips, the special edition Nove Colli and all the Krono Service chips already in the possession of the cyclists can also be used, subject to qualification for 2025. The MySDAM chips can no longer be used. All those in possession of the green or yellow MySDAM chip can have a OneChip for the price of the 2025 OneChip Cycling and MTB qualification only by handing in their MySDAM chip to the Chip Point.

The chip can be purchased online on the ENDU website or directly at the Chip Point in the race package delivery area at the price of Euro 30.00. In the case of online purchases, you can request home shipping or receive a voucher to be able to collect it at the race.

The 2025 OneChip Cycling and MTB qualification can be obtained on the ENDU website (up to 48 hours before the start of the event) or during the race at the Chip Point at the price of €25.00 (on promotion only online on ENDU for € 10pm until March 15th).

The authorization is linked to a specific chip, therefore it cannot be transferred to another chip in the event of loss or damage.

As an alternative to using your own chip, it is possible to rent a Daily Chip for the event, upon payment of €10.00, of which €5.00 is a guarantee deposit which is returned when the chip is returned. Redelivery is possible from thirty minutes after the arrival of the first competitor up to thirty minutes beyond the maximum time of the event. If the chip is not returned, it becomes the property of the athlete and can be used on other events subject to authorization. The chip can only be returned during the same event in which it was rented.

The chip must be positioned on the seat under the saddle using the appropriate plastic support.

Failure or incorrect use of the chip will result in non-inclusion in the ranking and non-attribution of the time spent. Failure to return the chip at the end of the race will result in a penalty of Euro 45.00.


They will be set up at the start, at the finish and along the two routes. The management of the controls will be entrusted to authorized personnel. Those who anticipate the start or start without carrying out the start control will be excluded from the final ranking and sanctioned according to ACSI regulations.

Refreshment, water and mechanical points

Along the route, refreshment, water and mechanical points will be set up and organized only for cyclists who wear the race number.

Crossroads control

Organizational staff, A.S.A., Civil Protection, Fire Brigade, local police and volunteers will guarantee the supervision and control of the intersections and the most challenging points of the route in agreement and collaboration with the police forces.


The organizing committee is not responsible for possible thefts of bicycles left unattended.


There will be “broom” vehicles used for the recovery of withdrawn athletes located along the entire route which will follow the race and transport the athletes to the arrival area.


An adequate number of assistance vehicles are present during the event
mechanical and medical with fixed and mobile stations, assistance from private vehicles following the race is therefore not permitted, under penalty of disqualification of the athlete.


Only the organization’s vehicles with the appropriate mark will be authorized for the race (this includes race management, jury, mechanical and technical assistance, health service and broom vehicles). The Traffic Police, the Technical Escort and the Moto Relays authorized by the organization will precede and escort the participants during the race on both race routes. Two-way radios are not permitted.


The organizing committee will prepare an adequate medical assistance service on the route and at the starting and arrival points with fixed stations, medicalized ambulances, rescue volunteers, guaranteed by 118 and an air ambulance in case of need. The emergency number for all participants to call only and exclusively in the event of a serious emergency during the race is 118.


Vehicular traffic during the event is partially closed and therefore absolute observance of the Highway Code applies. Participants overtaken by the vehicle indicating “End of cycling race” will have to continue with total and scrupulous compliance with the highway code, as blocking traffic will no longer be permitted by the Authorities. Cyclists who enter the route without regular race registration will be held legally responsible in the event of accidents involving them, whether they are the cause or not.


All those who throw waste along the route will be reported to the Jury and excluded from the final ranking. Participants are invited to maintain a decent attitude during the race and during the starting operations.


Participants in the “Granfondo Top Dolomites” will be covered by insurance agreements stipulated by ACSI and the Organizing Committee.



Any complaints must be addressed to the competition jury within the terms of the regulations and accompanied by the fee required by the ACSI regulation

Declaration of responsibility

“I, the undersigned, for myself, for my heirs and executors, aware of the criminal sanctions provided for in the event of untruthful declarations and false documents (art. 26 l. 15/68 and art. 489 c.p.) declare to have read and consequently know, accept and respect the regulations of the “Granfondo Top Dolomites” and to be aware that participation in competitive sporting events is potentially a risky activity if not adequately prepared and in suitable physical conditions; to be aware that to register you must be in possession of a valid medical certificate of suitability for competitive sporting activity for cycling and be at least 16 years old on the date of the event; to register voluntarily and I assume all risks deriving from my participation in the event: falls, contact with vehicles, with other participants, spectators or otherwise, weather conditions, including scorching heat, extreme cold and/or humid, traffic and road conditions road, every type of risk well known and assessed by me.
Being aware of the above, considering the acceptance of my registration, I, on my own behalf and in the interest of no one else, relieve and release the Organizing Committee of “Top Dolomites Granfondo”, the F.C.I., the Municipalities of Pinzolo and Tre Ville, starting and finishing points, all the other municipalities crossed by the race route, the Autonomous Province of Trento, the Trentino-Alto Adige Region, the promoting bodies, all the sponsors and organizational partners of the event , the respective representatives, successors, officers, directors, members, agents, contractors and employees of the aforementioned companies, from all present and future claims or liabilities of any kind, known or unknown, arising from my participation in the event.”


Pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 196 of 06/30/2003, before registering the athlete is required to read the documentation regarding the protection of privacy, available on the website www.topdolomitesgranfondo.it and to express his/her consent to the processing of personal data in foreseen methods.
The data provided will be processed in compliance with the rules established by Legislative Decree 30.06.2003 n.196 and used exclusively for the purposes set out in the information published on the website www.topdolomites.it
By registering for “Top Dolomites Granfondo”, the athlete expressly authorizes the Organizing Company, together with the legal entities with which he maintains professional and commercial relationships relating and connected to the shooting of images of the event, to free acquisition of the right to use the still or moving images in which he may appear, taken during his participation in the competition on all visual media as well as on promotional and/or advertising materials produced and disseminated throughout the world and for all time maximum established by the laws, regulations and treaties in force, including any extension that may be made to the foreseen period.


In the event that the race is canceled and/or postponed to another date, or in any case not carried out due to causes of force majeure and/or reasons not attributable and/or not referable to the will of the Organizer, including the revocation of the authorization to carry out by the competent public bodies, the member will have nothing to claim from the Organizing Committee and/or from Top Dolomites ASD, neither for the refund of the registration fee, nor for reimbursement of any expense incurred or to be incurred. After April 30th the fees will not be refunded and will be frozen until the new year. The submission of the registration application constitutes acceptance of this clause and express waiver of any claim resulting from the cancellation and/or postponement of the race. Attention: The Organizing Committee reserves the right to modify these regulations at any time for reasons it deems appropriate for the purpose of better organization of the race, subject to authorization from the ACSI. The event will take place in all weather conditions.

In the event of different provisions due to needs relating to the Covid emergency, changes to this regulation will be prepared.
For anything not provided for in this regulation, the technical statutory provisions of the Technical Regulations of the National Amateur and Cycling Touring Sector S.A.N. apply.


Via Venezia 47/m
38066 Riva del Garda (TN)
C.F. e P.iva: 02485580225 1