Article 1
Any cyclist can participate in the Brenta Bike Experience randonnèe as long as he or she is in possession of a regular membership card issued by an ASD belonging to a body or federation and by a civil liability association through the ASD for which he or she is a member.
Article 2
All those who, on the day the event takes place, have turned 18 and have not exceeded 70 years of age are admitted.
Article 3
The cyclist has the obligation, before departure, to accept without reservation the rules contained in these regulations and to be registered with a consultancy body or daily card.
Article 4
All types of bicycles with chain drive are allowed as long as we are moved by muscular strength alone.
Article 5
Each participant during the randonnèe must:
a) Consider yourself on a personal excursion.
b) Follow and respect the highway code and all official road signs.
c) Obligation to use existing cycle paths.
d) Wear a hard protective helmet.
e) The roads traveled or crossed will not be monitored by the organization.
c) The organization cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for accidents that may occur during the randonnèe.
Article 6
For circulation, or in cases where visibility is not sufficient and satisfactory (weather conditions, fog, rain, tunnels, etc.), the bicycle belonging to the cyclist must be equipped with a front and rear lighting system fixed solidly and constantly. operating status. Every cyclist is obliged to activate the lighting system at night or when darkness approaches, as well as at any time when visibility is not satisfactory and to check the perfect functionality of the lighting system.
Furthermore, the cyclist is obliged to wear accessory clothing with refractive powers during the night hours and whenever visibility is not sufficient. The organization prohibits the departure of a cyclist whose lighting system is not working and whose reflective equipment is not worn and/or does not meet the required requirements.
Article 7
Each cyclist must personally provide everything necessary to complete the Brenta Bike Experience and can only receive assistance at the checkpoints established by the organization and included in the travel card.
Article 8
Upon departure, each cyclist receives a travel card with indications of the itinerary and checkpoints. At the control posts the cyclist must have this card checked for regular validation. The lack of an endorsement, the loss of the card, the presentation of the non-readable card leads to exclusion from the patent. The cyclist has the obligation to look after the travel card with the utmost care to facilitate its reading.
Article 9
The travel card is stamped at the checkpoint indicated on the card by staff of the organization or those responsible for this task.
Article 10
The times indicated on the travel card indicate the opening and closing hours of the controls that participating cyclists must absolutely respect.
The access times to the checkpoints will be scheduled as follows:
CHECK POINT: Andalo at Bar Palacongressi
The opening of the control upon final arrival will take place no earlier than 2.00 pm.
Article 11
Upon arrival, each cyclist must show the organization staff the travel card complete with all endorsements to be approved.
Article 12
The Brenta Bike Experience is not a competition and does not involve any drawing up of rankings or any awarding of prizes.